Training Guide Training Guide

Online Training - Question & Answers


Is there a limit of logins one company can have?

No, but each employee needs their own login

Where is the portal located?

Could you send me your contact info?

Please email

My work email have changed , do I need to change my user ID?

For HIPAA security reasons, please let us know so we can replace your old email/user ID.

What is the turnaround time for viewing the errors after we have submitted the file?

Usually within 24 hours except for holidays. Early 2014 prnLink is also taking in all the 2013 DOS for historical purposes so now until the end of March 2014, processing may occasionally be 48 hours.

Overall Error

If the folder is empty, does that mean there are no errors?

That is correct - you can see the count equals (0) also

Can we get a copy of the slideshow?

It is now on the Login page

Eligibility Correction

If one patient/ eligibility error has many encounters I heard on the training, correcting the one patient could correct many errors. Please confirm.

That is correct if the only error on the encounters is eligibility, then fixing eligibility could correct the patient's errors. If there is a procedure or diagnosis error the encounter would also need that resolved before the encounter is fully resolved.

After you correct a member, then have a future submissions for the same member/member ID will it auto correct?

If you continue to submit an invalid ID number, it will continue to reject. If our data is missing a valid AMI and you submit a correction, all future claims for that member will not reject.

When dealing with AB1324 OR a RETRO TERM (so at time of service had eligible patient, now retro termed before the DOS) , how do we fix the eligibility error?

Even though not many of these occur, this is a great point that came up from the 2/12 training. We are adding this on the Enhancement List =Allowing this encounter to be transmitted even though the record is after the patient termination.

The PRINT REMOVED RECORDS is in PDF file, does it export to excel also?

Not at this time, but a good suggestion we will work on for the future.

We have a different DOB than CIGNA, how do we fix that?

At this time you need to notify your Cigna provider relations contact. This would be a good feature to be able to add wrong DOB or wrong gender in the comments. We will add a feature to have that sent to Cigna- may not be available until late 2014 since small number of records.

Similarly we have a different gender ... big difference in our capitation payments, how do we fix?

At this time you need to notify your Cigna provider relations contact. This would be a good feature to be able to add wrong DOB or wrong gender in the comments. We will add a feature to have that sent to Cigna- may not be available until late 2014 since small number of records.

CPT Corrections

Are Medi Cal and/or dental code sets rejected?

No they are acceptable codes

Any mass correction options for CPT errors?

If a valid code is missing from our database and we add it, within 24 hours, all errors in the errors table with that code will automatically be processed. If you make a substitution, we cannot automate.

Are there any other CPT edits in place, such as gender/age checks, or procedures against provider taxonomy codes?

Not at this time

If there is an error that I can't fix and accept it as an error, I would "remove" it?

How do you educate the provider's office today? One option is to remove the record and ask them to resubmit it. Another option is to copy and email the information to the doctors’ office then go on to the next

Diagnosis Correction

Any mass correction options for Diagnosis errors?

If a valid code is missing from our database and we add it, within 24 hours, all errors in the erros table with that code will automatically be processed. If you make a substitution, we cannot automate.

Are you just rejecting diagnosis for "valid on DOS" or for other edits like specificity, E code not allowed as primary etc.?

Not at this time.

What source files is used to identify "valid" diagnosis codes?

Industry Standard Code Sets

If one diagnosis on the encounter is invalid will it remove the whole encounter?

At this time all good rows will pass along to Cigna. If the primary diagnosis is good, it will pass along to Cigna

What if the doctor submitted with wrong DX how would we know what to change it to?

How do you do you educate the provider's office today? One option is to remove the record and ask them to resubmit it. Another option is to copy and email the information to the doctors’ office then go on to the next error.


Is prnLink in compliant with IDC-10?

Yes, the prnLink systems use the VARCHAR format in the diagnosis and procedure fields so compliant already.

When & how will you be ready to test ICD10?

prnLink plans to host another webinar in late summer. Additional information will come out in the summer.

If a single claim has multiple claim lines and date of services submitted after 10/1/2014, can it have a mix of ICD9 and ICD10 codes

We will address this issue in 90 days. It is our understanding that the flag is at the sequence number so there would not be an issue if a single claim mixed ICD-9 and ICD10 but we reserve the right to change our strategy after our webinar in 90 days.

Will there be an issue if a Claim line DOS 7/24/2014 DX= ICD 9 but it is not submitted until 10/5/2014?

See Above

What if Claim line 2 for DOS 10/1/2014 has DX: ICD-10, but line 1 is ICD9?

See Above

If an ICD9 code for DOS: 7/29/14 be Rejected based on ICD-9?

No. There will be an ICD9 code set used for DOS prior to 10/1/2014. AND an ICD10 code set used for 10/1 and later. Note some ICD9 are in the ICD10 code set.


Are ANSI277 transaction coming soon?

Not until fall 2014- 75% of the submission have a 3% or less error rate

Are you checking provider validity, too? For example, does info on 837 match NPPES data?

We validate against CIGNA's provider file. When we do not have a match we use NPPES to obtain the necessary information and process. At this time we are not rejecting claims based on provider data.

If the copay reported on the encounter > billed charge, will the encounter reject?

NO This is not a reason for rejection

What happens if a provider sends us the correct code will the prior error be removed? Or do we need to remove that?

If you left the original error untouched then you should remove it. The new record will not duplicate since the original never made it through to completion.

For any errors that cannot be corrected at all- how long will it stay?

After you have thousands unresolved then we will outreach you to see if we can work together to clean up your errors.

Regarding resubmission, won't your system reject it because it sees it as a duplicate?

There are many fields compared to equate to an actual dup. A true dup is an exact match of all of the following fields: Provider, member #, DOS, procedure, modifier, diagnosis and financial fields. If you left the original error untouched, you now can/should remove it. The new record will not duplicate since the original never made it through to completion.


What kind of reports are sent to the groups?

Within 90 days you will be able to view your encounter submission rates and compare to the state average for all groups. We will also make available reports that evaluate submission rates by type of service - labs, radiology, E&M, etc. which should help you identify holes in your data.

Will we received rejected accepted reports?

After you upload a file, please check the following day for a 999 reply

Q & A created 2/2014 with prnLink & Cigna collaboration; updated 3/10 & 3/28/2014